Act instead of endure!




As a source of inspiration, ideas and action in HR issues, I support you in a rapidly changing world. It is crucial to embrace change and drive continuous improvement. I question existing processes and behaviours and provide you with new perspectives and solutions as an interim manager, external HR consultant or by supporting HR transformations.

Your companion in a dynamic world!




 The new working models require a cultural change within the company. Proactive thinking and action, personal responsibility and self-organisation of teams are essential. Rigid hierarchies are becoming less important, while dynamic action and collaboration are taking centre stage. An effective change in organisational culture creates the right mindset and a shared understanding of leadership roles.


In my view, there is no black and white in HR. A modern HR system should be professionally structured and take into account both internal and external trends and changes. My objective is to facilitate a rethink of your organisation, to provide HR with the visibility it needs and to enhance the dynamism of your HR services.

It is crucial to consider the evolving dynamics of the labour market and to align your approach with the evolving needs of the market. I am here to facilitate a shift in mindset within your company, and to that end, I am offering a range of services to enhance the dynamism of your HR services.

Interim Manager

Are you responsible for HR and require assistance in filling a position or overcoming current challenges in your HR department? I am available to provide guidance and support in the realisation and implementation of your projects. Together, we can develop effective solutions to any HR issue.

External HR Consultant

Are you an entrepreneur, managing director or HR manager of a start-up or medium-sized company and feel challenged by the rapid changes in the world of work? I offer new impulses and practical solutions to your questions and tasks in order to master the issues of the modern working world as an external HR consultant.

Transformation counsellor

As an entrepreneur, managing director or HR manager, are you experiencing that everyday issues are keeping you busy and at the same time you absolutely need a convincing concept to make your HR department fit for the future? Do you have a great concept and now need support in implementing it? I will support you in the transformation of your HR department to make it fit for the future.
